UVC Operating Room Package

The UVC OR Package offers a permanent solution to reducing HAI's and SSI's in the OR. By using a series of strategically placed UVC sterilization fixtures, the OR Package also helps:

  • Eradicate MDRO's 24/7/365.
  • Protect Patients and Staff.
  • Improve Terminal Cleaning (Operating Room sterilization in less than 10 minutes; no additional staff necessary).
  • Avoid Unnecessary Cost.

Please learn more about our Operating Room disinfection solutions by visiting each of the helpful links surrounding the OR Package atom.

Why UVC for the Operating Room?

Studies as far back as 1937 (Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, and as recent as 2007 (Center for Hip and Knee Surgery, St. Francis Hospital-Mooresville, Mooresville, Indiana) report the effectiveness of ultraviolet light disinfection in reducing overall post-surgical infection rates. In the Duke study, during the first five years of use, over­all infection rates on clean cases showed a significant decrease from 10% to 0.24%; on the orthopedic service, a decrease from 16.5% to 0.75% was reported. For the next 26 years, the overall infection rate was reduced to 0.34%.

The St. Francis study (July 1986 to July 2005) shows the infection rate in operating rooms decreased significantly, from 1.77% to 0.57%, when disinfecting UVC light was used, even when laminar airflow was eliminated. Further­more, the decrease in the infection rate for total knee replacements was also significant, from 2.2% to 0.5% (p < 0.0001).

With the already extraordinary, and still increasing, cost of infections (including hospitalization, physician care, nurses' salary, hospital insurance, death benefits in case of death, etc.), it's obvious that reducing infection rates is extremely important. And with health insurance no longer covering healthcare associated infections, proactive hospitals can avoid significant monetary waste by investing in proven technology, ultraviolet light for disinfection, that will reduce infections.

Ultraviolet Germicidal UVC Operating Room Packages reduce the threat of microbiological contamination of the surgical wound during orthopedic surgeries by continuously disinfecting the wound surface, and the environment around the patient, with cleansing UVC disinfection light. Postsurgical infection rates, including healthcare associated infections and surgical site infections can be significantly reduced with UV disinfecting light.

Proven results

19-year longitudinal study shows UVC disinfectionl light can help reduce risk of post-op infection by 66.67%.

Permanent Installation

Unlike a mobile unit, which might be somewhere else in your facility, the OR Package is permanently installed in your most critical environment – the OR – and therefore is always present and available for use for UV room disinfection.

Timed Daily Cycle

Simply set it like an alarm clock and, without the need for additional personnel, run the OR Package at full intensity, at any predetermined time the OR will not be in use.

Use Before, During And After A Procedure

Use the UVC Operating Room "Package" to disinfect the OR before, during, and/or after all surgical procedures.

The UVC Operating Room Package is inexpensive to install and maintain, and it does not inconvenience others who wish to use the operating rooms, without UVC lamps, as the lamps can simply be turned off.

With appropriate and relatively simple safety measures, UVC OR Packages are very cost-effective hospital UV disinfection solutions that can help prevent postsurgical infections that can result in failed arthroplasty and patient morbidity.

Since the 1930s UVC light for disinfection has been used to reduce DNA and RNA-based contaminants (bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, protozoa), and provide operating room personnel, and patients, with improved UV decontamination.

The OR Package, and many other UV sterilization medical devices manufactured since 1960, have been safely operating in hospitals, laboratories, clean rooms, doctors' offices, commercial buildings, food processing plants and residences throughout the world - any place a concern for disinfection exists.
